Resultados: 6

Relação entre dor crônica nas costas, incapacidade e qualidade de vida após auriculoacupuntura e ventosaterapia e satisfação com o tratamento: estudo transversal

OBJETIVO: avaliar a relação da intensidade da dor, incapacidade física e qualidade devida após tratamento de auriculoacupuntura e ventosaterapia com a satisfação com o tratamento, necessidade dele para controle da dor, percepção de melhora e consumo de medicação. MÉTODO: estudo transversal con...

Physical and emotional factors associated with the severity of chronic back pain in adults: a cross-sectional study

ABSTRACT Objective: determining the multidimensional factors associated with the severity of chronic back pain is essential to design appropriate interventions. The objective of this study was to assess the physical and emotional factors associated with the severity of chronic back pain in adults. Met...

Acupuntura auricular para dor crônica nas costas em adultos: revisão sistemática e metanálise

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 53 (), 2019
RESUMO Objetivo Investigar os ensaios clínicos randomizados sobre a ação da acupuntura auricular para a dor crônica nas costas em adultos, identificar os desfechos mais utilizados para avaliar essa condição, o protocolo utilizado para aplicar a intervenção e identificar nos estudos qual o efeit...

Effects of auricular acupuncture on chronic pain in people with back musculoskeletal disorders: a randomized clinical trial

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 53 (), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effects of auricular acupuncture on pain intensity, its impact on daily activities, the relief provided by the intervention, and the pain threshold in people with back musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: Randomized clinical trial carried out with people randomly al...

Cupping therapy and chronic back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis

ABSTRACT Objectives: to evaluate the evidence from the literature regarding the effects of cupping therapy on chronic back pain in adults, the most used outcomes to evaluate this condition, the protocol used to apply the intervention and to investigate the effectiveness of cupping therapy on the intensi...

Action of ear acupuncture in people with chronic pain in the spinal column: a randomized clinical trial

ABSTRACT Objectives: to assess the action of ear acupuncture on disability and tissue temperature in people with chronic pain in the spinal column. Method: a clinical trial with a sample of 110 people, randomized into three groups: Treatment, Placebo and Control. The assessment instruments were the Rol...